Friday, February 21, 2014


What to buy for the spring.
 Spring is coming!  What do we buy?

How hard is it to match whites or blacks?  When I was growing up I had these cute white pants that took months for me to convince my mother that I was old enough to where with out ruining it.  I also had a white peasants blouse that I probably wore to much so I guess by this point I could say the peasant blouse was off white.  ( I really was not good at keeping my whites white.) Ready for school my mother took it upon herself to sit me down and give me fashion tip 101. “honey, your whites don’t match, it makes your blouse look dirty.  It is very tricky to wear all white or all black because they have to match exactly” her logic made sense to me so I changed.

For years I have heard from multiple women the struggle of wearing all black or all white.  If you buy blacks and they are similar the problem ends up being after you wash them.  Being different fabrics they fade different. It just seems to be a battle that can’t be won. That is until now.

It started in the 20’s. The rebellion. No one wanted to wear bras or have the structure in outfits from the previous generations.  They fashion changed along with their attitudes.  Then the 70’s came with the same idea being loose and free. Hippies baby! Then the 90’s, a grudge bad a look.  In most eras we can find the rebellion styles that filled the streets.  We have continued this rebellion in our fashion for the last few generations and its become the only way to dress, defying the rules of fashion.

This season we are doing it again. If you want to wear all black, white, red, blue, etc do it and who cares if they don’t match! I have attached some great examples of this. Try it! Break the old rule!  In my first entry on my blog I talked about trying something new, trying something that seems odd.  When we try we find something new something great! I have already created a cozy version of the all white for this winter season and it turns out that I love it! I am excited to try some cool colors this spring. I might try an outfit made of all blues and a splash of cheetah colored shoes. 

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