Thursday, April 17, 2014

Let me just start by saying I love fashion!

I think all of us have certain eras we love for their beautiful fashion statements.  I am in love, head over hills for the 40’s/50’s fashion!  It was so beautiful and classy! I miss that! I miss the beautiful famine look that graced the earth during that period.  Though our era is fun in its own way with what I will call the explosive generation.  My reasoning is our generation has a little bit of every era. We are expressive and vibrant with the clothes we wear.  We don’t fit in with our clothing, we stand out and we love it!

I think we have a super fun style and are taking fun pieces from our history and adding them to our closets.  The one fear I have with our generation is that we sale ourselves short. We have these sweet expressive styles and then when a woman attempts the look of sexy she fails.  Why?

Our world is demanding, asking for woman who do it all. If you are not noticed you stay unnoticed.  Thus woman have resulted in showing everything they have to offer to receive the attention we all long for.  This allows others to disrespect us and often shows the lack of respect we have for ourselves. I am pretty sure no woman is truly aiming for that.

What does it mean to be sexy? Melanie, Rickey Writer for the Times, (The United Kingdom)says,
Essentially it's a move away from obvious vulgarity. It's modest without being prim. It doesn't expose flesh; rather it shrouds it and plays hide and seek with shape and form.”

I love the idea of walking around confident and knowing that I am making men curious about me. There is a certain amount of fun in the chase.  This is the new sexy!  

Remember the post I wrote about dressing your body shape? Check it out! Use those tips to create a sexy look. PLAY UP YOUR CURVES. Find confidence because showing your shape is better than hiding it!

Check out this sweet video at  This video shows the power of dress and its effect on others.  She is my hero so watch it! :D

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